A wireless network provides the flexibility to connect your computers to the network using wireless network adapter devices. Data is sent and received using radio waves that eliminate the need for Ethernet cables. You can connect to the network from anywhere within range of the wireless router. Wireless networks trade speed and some loss of security for greater flexibility and ease of use.
Often we set up our homes this way to allow us to work anywhere in the house and to allow for multiple devices without the cables.This is harder to achieve in many office building as the office structures often restrict the range of the wireless routers. In addition the speed and security may limit the use of wireless networks in offices.
Benefits of Wireless Networking
Increased Mobility
Wireless networks allow mobile users to access real-time information so they can roam around your company's space without getting disconnected from the network. This increases teamwork and productivity company-wide that is not possible with traditional networks. Wireless networks are very useful nowadays. You can use the network without any wire.
Wireless Networks Are Scalable
One of the main goals of small businesses is growth, but if your network can't grow with you, it will cause problems. When you use cables to connect your machines, growth means moving, adding or rerouting cables every time there's a change. This can be a time-consuming and tedious process, but it's one you can avoid with an infrastructure wireless network. If someone needs to be added to the wireless network, a new user must simply be created on the server. Similarly, if an employee moves desks or the company changes locations, there are no wires to manage, unplug and plug in again somewhere else.
Wireless Networks Work With Multiple Devices
Whether your device of choice is a laptop, phone or tablet, you can connect to the network with a simple click. This is convenient for visiting partners or clients, as well as employees who need to accomplish different tasks throughout the day, such as taking notes or checking email in between meetings.Wireless networking may carry a slightly higher initial investment, but the overall expenses over time are lower. It also may have a longer lifecycle than a traditionally connected network.
Wireless Networks Work With Multiple Devices
Using a wireless network can increase productivity for a lower cost. Because of the increased mobility, employees can collaborate and share information wherever they need to and even take action in meetings instead of just taking notes and doing it later. Additionally, the cost to install and maintain an infrastructure wireless network is much less than the wired alternative. A large, wired network requires purchasing cabling and paying for labor to have it run throughout the building, plus additional costs long-term when cables need to be added or replaced. While wireless networking solutions aren't right for every business (e.g., employees work individually on a desktop and never need to leave their desks), they can offer helpful benefits to many. Before having a network set up, weigh the differences between the two types of systems and make the best choice for your business needs.